What is CERT?

CERT is a national program, sponsored by FEMA, that prepares residents to help themselves and family as well as neighbors in the event of a disaster.

CERT training teaches basic skills that are important to use when emergency services are overwhelmed. This includes training in assessing damage, light search and rescue, fire suppression, medical operations, communicating info back to an emergency operations center as well as neighborhood CERT team organization and management.

The CERT training program is free for all Mountain View citizens. You can find out more at mountainview.gov

Please read about your Cooper Neighborhood CERT!

Earthquake Forecast

While we should be prepared for any number of disaster types, our area has a nearly three-in-four chance of having a deadly earthquake in the next 30 years. Could be tomorrow!

Half a chance it will be bigger than the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. A 7.9 earthquake, like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, will equal 10 times the shake and 30 times the energy compared to Loma Prieta. The electric grid and local Internet will go down. Phone networks will be jammed giving a fast busy for hours. Many homes may be compromised by fallen trees and chimneys, with potential fires from natural gas line breaks.

Develop a Family Disaster Plan and then please consider joining many of your neighbors in getting organized and CERT trained.

      (to newsletter archive)

AMVNC has launched!

Your Cooper Neighborhood CERT is now part of a new 501(c)(3) org, the Association of Mountain View Neighborhood CERTs (AMVNC). For the past two years, several neighborhoods collaborated to create bylaws and file for tax exempt status. Now donations to your neighborhood CERT are tax deductible! When making a tax deductible donation to the Mountain View AVMVNC, please specify "For the Benefit of Cooper CERT".