CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW CERT ACADEMY SCHEDULE: CERT Academy classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Auditorium, 1000 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA. The final Field Day class is held on Saturday at Fire Station #4, 229 North Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA. CERT training is provided at no cost and free of charge to participants. To register for courses go to the link on the right City of Mountain View CERT City-Wide Drill: The City periodically conducts city wide drills. CERT and amateur radio members from across the City are invited to participate in Neighborhood CERT exercises that may include damage assessments, search and rescue, medical treatment, Incident Command Post (ICP) operations, and neighborhood outreach. For dates and more info go to the link on the right City of Mountain View CERT Refresher Training CERT Refresher training is provided at no cost and free of charge to participants. Participants are encouraged to attend the CERT Academy before attending a CERT refresher training. For dates and more info go to the link on the right To browse the Mountain View Fire Department - Office of Emergency Services upcoming scheduled CERT training events, go to the link on the right. To browse other CERT training in the San Francisco Bay Area, go to the link on the right. CERT Introduction Training: IS-317 (Online): is available online through FEMA as an independent study course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those wanting to complete online training or as a refresher for current CERT members. The online course takes between six and eight hours to complete at your own pace. Upon successfully finishing the IS-317 course, the registrant will receive a certificate of completion (from FEMA). Aside from being a great resource for those new to the CERT program, this class is also a great refresher for current Mountain View CERT volunteers. To take the online course, go to the link on the right.